Social media can be a gift; it can also be pretty ruthless! Whether being recognized for doing something amazing that jumpstarts your career, or like the videos we’ve seen of Singer-Songwriter Ginuwine making him the butt of a joke!

He is the “Same Ole G” at the ripe age of 51. In actuality, it’s a reminder that we all will get there, hopefully, one day. If he is happy and healthy, entertaining us, then we should let him be.

So to all of the young cats out there. Yes, I’m showing my age! Give it a break. Yes, not going to lie; it’s hilarious until you find yourself trying to dance to one of the latest hits and notice that you’re just not landing the moves you once knew! Should you care at this point in life? “Hell no,” because we all should dance like no one is watching. But to be on the safe side, we are going to keep it to a two-step, don’t want to hurt yourself!
