Just when you thought it was safe to get out of the house for a quick getaway.

You may have been waiting over two years to go on vacation. Well, the wait may continue. American Airlines, including other carriers, is cutting flights to keep up with demand and provide adequate service. This may sound like a bit of a rant, but what do you expect when there is a worldwide pandemic and everyone has been couped up? The demand for flights goes up while availability goes down. Unfortunately, what this means for the growing city of Philadelphia is that you will have a get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

American has taken steps to size our airline for the resources we have available and to build additional buffer into the remainder of our summer schedule. Last month, American took proactive steps to add resiliency into our schedule by reducing overall September system capacity by approximately 2%,” says an American Airlines statement. “These adjustments were made in markets with multiple frequencies—with the goal of moving customers to different flights.

Now that we know what is coming, here are some tips on what you can do to prevent the added stress when booking travel:

  • Get insurance
  • Hold your flight before booking while searching for alternatives
  • Search alternative flights prior to departing in case your flight is canceled
  • Book at least three-six months in advance
  • Avoid booking flights over the weekend when they are more expensive
  • Keep track of flight credits to avoid expirations
  • If you have the time, give up your seat for cash value for future flights

Hopefully, this is a temporary change, and things will get back to normal in time for the holiday season! We will keep you posted.


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