Yes, Issa Yes! Finally, a show that tells a story of how it feels to be young, gifted, black, and even a little insecure. In the new HBO series Insecure.


Issa has been on the scene for quite some time with the Youtube series “Awkward Black Girl,”  and her book “The Misadventures of Award Black Girl”. But don’t let her looks fool you, oh she has brains too, graduating from Stanford University with a major in African American Studies. Issa says everything we’ve been thinking.


Insecure takes us on a comedic ride, from workplace antics, relationships, and the ups and downs through this thing called life. We’ve all had that moment when you’re out with your girls and the cute guy you’ve had your eye on has no interest in you..”whelp, there goes another one”. That moment when you give a guy your number and wait patiently for the call…or should you call, and when is soon, too soon. I mean you don’t want to seem desperate although deep down you are starving for a little attention. The many thoughts that go through one’s head in a scenario are as simple as saying “hello”. Sounding excited, but not too excited. Well, ladies, you’re not alone. We all have insecurities.


Let’s not forget about possibly being the only black woman at your job! Get ready for the many questions…one being about your hair. “How often do you wash your hair; how do you get it to do that; or the dreaded….can I touch it”? HELL NO!  Having to downplay all the stereotypes that black women face while also trying to fit in.


Thank you Issa for painting a portrait for the world to see and understand. Be sure to check out the next episode of Insecure Sunday at 10:30 pm est. on HBO


  1. I’m so happy every time I see a different narrative for black people in entertainment so I excitedly sat down to watch and I REALLY wanted to like this show, but I couldn’t find anything I relate to. Insecurity is naturally something we all experience but to me this level of insecurity is just sad.

    • I agree. Some of the situations I can empathize with, like dating a guy that you know is just not good for you. Or working in an environment where you are the only person of color and feel like you have to be a spokes person for the entire black race. Lord the pressure!! Now that situation I know oh so well. Some of it is amped up for ratings, but the underlining is relatable, if your kinda quirky which makes it funny.

      • Of course, got to get those ratings. Guess I’m just waiting for the day that there’s a quirky black woman I relate to. Everything on main stream media about black women is for straight women, and everything for lesbian women are for white women. Can’t help but feel left out.


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