Introducing Maria Raquel, a musical prodigy whose soul resonates with the timeless melodies of her ancestry. Born into a lineage of legendary musicians, music...
Renowned actor, author, and activist, Hill Harper, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies for the esteemed 28th Women of Color STEM Awards.
Renowned actor,...
EBONY Magazine will return to print for a Fall issue that is slated to hit newsstands on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. In partnership with entertainment company Mass...
The National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals (NCBMP) is proud to announce the "11th Annual State of Black Tourism," a landmark event bringing together...
A special black genius conversation with two-time Academy Award-winning costume designer, Ruth Carter, Hip-Hop Pioneer Grandmaster Caz and ribbon cutting for Pepsi x Frito-Lay Refresh...
Black Cannabis Week (BCW) returns for the 4th edition of this transformative virtual global event amplifying the Black experience in cannabis, September 17-24, 2023....
McDonald's 17th annual Inspiration Celebration ® Gospel Tour (ICGT) will once again unite Black culture through its intergenerational celebration of Black faith, joy, music and...
Avenue of the Arts, Inc. (AAI), the nonprofit organization that is both an advocate and economic development catalyst for Philadelphia's cultural and performing arts district, will...
Metro State University, the Twin Cities' nationally recognized urban university, is pleased to announce it has been awarded a 2024 Collaborative Urban and Greater MN Educators of...
Leke Productions Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Producer, and Director Alan Adeleke made his feature film debut with the release of the Award-winning film "Differences"Â on the Tubi...