This has been the topic of conversation for years now, but even more so the past few days with Surviving R Kelly on Lifetime. The three-part docu-series had me feeling so uncomfortable.

I remember as a teenager hearing that R Kelly married Aaliyah and shortly after the marriage, it was annulled. After the album Age Aint Nothing But a Number Aaliyah wasn’t seen for a few years. R Kelly came out with 12 Play and everyone went on about thier life. Years later, rumors of a sex tape where R Kelly was having sex with a teenager and urinated on her was floating around. I had no desire to see it and was completely disgusted by the thought of him doing that to anyone, let alone a 14-year-old.

Needless to say I still listened to his music. If a song came on the radio, I was jamming to it like the next person. I never purchased anything after the 12 play album, because I was skeptical if he did it or not. Years went by, “I Believe I Can Fly”, “Ignition”, the black barbeque favorite – “Step In the Name of Love”, “Happy People”, and countless other records later and me being more conscious of what I ate, drank and listened to took it upon myself to watch the infamous video. If I am going to be a supporter of your music, I want to know about its creator (the man). I wanted to know if it was him. It was beyond “disturbing”. There is a special place in hell for people who abuse kids sexually, physically and mentally.

I had no doubt in my mind that it was him in the video and every time an R Kelly song came on after that, it gave me a sense of discomfort. One, because the visual of what he did to that little girl and got away with it, but the fact that he was singing about it! Being someone creative, you write about how you feel and what you go through. So “Your Body’s Calling”, “Seems Like Your Ready”, “Bump and Grind”, “Fiesta”, etc. were about these teenagers and young ladies.

One thing that always weighed on my mind and heart is how is it that R Kelly did this an no one knew? After sitting through three nights of my life watching Surviving R Kelly it left me even more disgusted, discouraged, and upset. Even after getting acquitted for “child molestation” he continued to act his devilish ways, but the fact that so many men and women enabled him. Even the parents! Because there is no way in hell that I will let my daughter around him and sure as hell wouldn’t let my daughter travel with him by herself, even if it was based on a “rumor”. Oh, the blame doesn’t stop there. His staff (management, security, tour bus driver, gardener, housekeeper), crackerjack wife, and all of those mud buckets deserve to be locked up with him. And Sparkle!! She was an “is” (in my opionion) so focused on her career that she pimped out her own niece to a demon.

Check out this interview Sparkle did with Roland Martin. Look closely in the background…..?

You can’t tell me that people aren’t pure evil and have a spirit in them that is beyond this world. Yes “Sparkle”, take the opportunity to plug your album instead of asking for forgiveness. Your own brother defended him for a check! Birds of a feather flock together. A bunch of pigeons!

I am glad they did the documentary because this needed to come out one way or another. I do think everyone told “THEIR” truth, but they also incriminated their self as well, because you fed fuel to the fire that is R Kelly. It is our (especially men of color) responsibility to talk about these issues, expose predators, protect and educate our children and young ladies.

By supporting his music, you support him. Financially and intimately. His lyrics are intimate and who is he being intimate with? So no “I” don’t separate the man and the music. Because you are your music and in my eyes, he is a sick and twisted individual that needs to be brought to justice. So he can do all the singing about being behind bars and bumping and grinding with Big Bruce! In the meantime Hide Your Kids/Hide Your Wife, because the Pied Piper is still on the loose.



Video Credits: Roland Martin Unfiltered / You Photo Credits: Lifetime





  1. I been arguing with anyone still caping for R.Kelly in 2019. That documentary was so eye opening. That one “victim” needs to be in jail. She has sex with the 14 year old too. That whole thing just showed me of R.Kelly would have had one white victim he would be in jail. The fact the victims were poor and black makes a difference too. It left me with so many feelings.

    • I agree, because it was girls of color that the impact wasn’t what it should have been although her own family didn’t stand up for her. Instead they took that check and sat in silence! Shame on them all. Not to mention..if R Kelly was having set with 2-3 girls at a time you know the guys who worked for him were sleeping with them too. It’s not a cult. It’s a “sex ring”. EVERYONE involved are considered accomplices in my eyes. Oh and why was Charlamagne on there when he was accused of rape!? Now that was a production mistake…or is this a coming to Jesus moment for him. I digress.

      • The Charlemagne rape case was a girl was raped at his house party. He didn’t rape anyone. It happened at his home which is why he didn’t go to jail so maybe that’s why the producers let him stay in. I read a book about the documentary it’s floating around amazon yeah the security is involved. The parents pimped they babies out. There is no way in hell my child is going to sing with RKELLY… that’s handing your child to a predator. What made them think their children were magical? They thought “nope not my kid” if your kid has a vagina and you send your kid to r.kelly I mean you know the rest! It’s tragic that R.kelly exist and does what he does nothing will ever to him.

  2. I will no longer support Rkelly. I watched those three nights in horror and disgust. Yes I saw the tapes and knew about Aaliyah, but didn’t know he still had a problem. I do not blame these women.

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