LFMO speaks as the national and international voice for the Women of the Métis Nation across the Métis Motherland, spanning Ontario westward to British Columbia. Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak aims to consult, promote and represent the personal, spiritual, social, cultural, political and economic interests and aspirations of the Women of the Métis Nation, and their Indigenous allies. (CNW Group/Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak)

Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak / Women of the Métis Nation recognizes July 1st, otherwise known as Canada Day, as a much-needed day for reconciliation, reflection, and collective action from non-Indigenous Canadians across the country.

Rather than celebrate on this day, LFMO hopes that non-Indigenous Canadians take the time to properly reflect on Canada’s history. When all governments work together to make progress on the Truth and Reconciliation’s Calls to Action, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girl’s Final Report as well as LFMO’s own Métis-specific Implementation Plan, that is when there will be something to celebrate.

As we continue to discover unmarked children’s graves at former residential school sites as well as our work to address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, we ask that all Canadians join us,” said Melanie Omeniho, President of Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak. “On this day especially, choosing to learn about whose land you are on and the strengths, histories, and diversities of Métis, First Nations, and Inuit communities will build better relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians and a better future for us all.”

LFMO recommends seeking out Indigenous-led virtual or in-person events on this day, such as pow-wows, markets, marches, or gatherings. To learn more about what LFMO is doing to engage with and represent the voices of Métis women across the country, please visit our website and follow our social media channels.

LFMO speaks as the national and international voice for the Women of the Métis Nation across the Métis Motherland, spanning Ontario westward to British Columbia. Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak aims to consult, promote and represent the personal, spiritual, social, cultural, political, and economic interests and aspirations of the Women of the Métis Nation, and their Indigenous allies.

SOURCE Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak


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