On March 7, 2022, The Propel Center, a global HBCU tech and learning hub to advance the opportunities for students, launched its Propel Student impact scholarships. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in entrepreneurship, art, and entertainment, agri-tech, social justice, energy, and health is open to rising sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students alike. If you are not majoring in one of the Propel focus areas, please give a compelling reason to consider you for the scholarship.

The Propel Student Impact Scholarship is a $10,000 merit-based scholarship that will be awarded to rising HBCU sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students. The purpose of the Propel Student Impact Scholarships is to provide financial assistance to innovative students.

Applications Due: March 14, 2022

Scholars will:

  • Be connected to career exploration and work-based learning experiences to assist them in gaining a deeper understanding of competencies needed for high-demand careers.
  • Prepare a generation of leaders who will advance equity & justice through technology, entrepreneurship, and education.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • HBCU Student (Rising Sophomore/Junior/Senior or Graduate Student)
  • Enrolled and in good academic standing
  • Demonstrated need
  • Pursuing a career in entrepreneurship, health, arts & entertainment, energy, agri-tech

Scholarship Amount: $10,000

Follow the #LivingInLegacy hashtag and @propelcenter on Instagram.

SOURCE: PropelCenter.org / PR Newswire


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