Tiffani Shadell- Lankford, a 32-year-old substitute teacher at Lehman High School in Kyle Texas allegedly physically assaulted a 16-year-old female student while in a foreign language class on Friday, November 8th.

In the video, you see the teacher leaning over the student and then the student swinging at the teacher. Tiffani Shadel-Lankford then began to attack the student by throwing blow after blow at the student’s face and head, throwing her out of the seat, then stomping on her head.

Now I don’t agree with the student putting her hands on anyone, but that teacher took it way too far. Not only should she not be teaching, but hopefully, she isn’t a parent! Teachers are not only supposed to be knowledgeable but also show restraint. What could this child have done so bad that would warrant the teacher beating her like an adult?

Lankford was fired immediately, charged with aggravated assault, and released on a $10,000 bond. If convicted, she could be sentenced to two to twenty years in prison. Lankford cleared a background check and has been working as a substitute teacher since August 2019.

To make matters worse, the 16-year-old student has special needs. Diagnosed with epilepsy. This teacher not only hurt this child, but ultimately could have killed her. We are happy to say that the student is recovering physically, but I can’t imagine the emotional scars she will be left with.

What do you think about this whole crazy ordeal?


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