The world has a young man Sebastian Corniel AKA 777Blest. He is determined to make a difference in the life of people suffering from mental health issues. 777Blest has made it his life’s mission to help others after the death of his brother.
My name is 777Blest I make positive alternative music for the promotion of mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Family originated from Compton and Carson California I was raised in North County San Diego in the city of Oceanside. The youngest out of three children. I remember the first time being physically abused, it was at my own elementary school in 1st grade. This kid in my class had mental illness issues and would verbally & physically abuse me any chance he got when I was alone or no one would watch me. My father would always tell me cowards only get bullied and to always fight back. Sadly I was a coward and never told my parents. I was getting abused constantly at my elementary school in fear of embarrassment and ridicule from my father or older brother. I started experimenting with drugs at the age of 12. I was taking pain pills at my middle school my brother use to give me his Adderall when he didn’t want to take his meds. By age 13, I was taking ecstasy, my parents got divorced when I was 14.
Fast forward, I graduated high school. My dad schooled me very young on 2pac and Biggie. However, it was my older brother who introduced me to two of my favorite rappers DMX and Eminem. Which led me into discovering more alternative rock music like Disturbed, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, & Panic At The Disco. Being on Xanax cut off all my feelings and emotions. My thought process and regard for any human emotion or affection was gone. My brother committed suicide by shooting himself in my garage May 4th 2017. This was due to Paranoia Schizophrenia he was only 22. After losing my brother I didn’t want to feel anymore I didn’t want have any emotions. That was my full blooded brother he taught me everything he was my other half. I started robbing Xanax dealers every other week for three months straight not even taking the Xanax to sell. I was eating them all throughout the months. I would pop two in the morning two in the afternoon and two at night then I lost count completely after a two month binge.
I was dying, seizure after seizure from the withdrawls of Xanax. I was having so many seizures I started having them by myself and didn’t tell my friends or family. I knew I was a drug addict and I wanted to keep taking Xanax so I tried to hide the seizures or blame them on something else. The turning point was when I had a seizure in my mom’s new apartment where I was staying. I had to leave my dad’s house he didn’t want a drug addict in his house bringing tragedy which I understand now. I woke up to my mom crying over me saying “please God not my baby, I lost my other baby don’t take my other one” the tears and hurt I saw. She already lost a son. I couldn’t keep doing this to my mom and my family. So I got clean and went to rehab/sober living at the age of 19 I’m 24 now. I have been five years sober from Xanax and hard drugs
I want all my listeners and supporters to remove all negative toxic people and situations from your life and watch your well-being and spirit improve. No more coke, no more lean, no more Xanax, no more meth, no more Percocet, and no more ecstasy. Stop being hateful and evil to people. Smile at strangers, go say I love you to your parents & siblings if you still have them. Also, Life is too short to be angry all the time; stay blessed. Every day someone new gets to listen to my music and change something negative about their life. Either getting off drugs or they have stopped cutting themselves since they listen to my music. I have had multiple supporters message me and DM me thanking me and blessing me for my music and for promoting mental health awareness and suicide prevention
The Goal is for World peace. For all people across America to change for the better. To be positive and get their communities and kids off drugs and away from violence. I hope my music will raise more leaders like Martin Luther king Jr & Malcolm X to fight for what’s right. Stand up to evil and have love for all races and genders. Stay blest #777Forever
You can stay updated by clicking this link or follow me on all social media platforms at 777Blest.
From his mother Jaime Corniel Our life was forever changed May 4th 2017 when my son Lino took his life because of his mental illness. He was affected by Paranoid Schizophrenia that he had been battling for years, It devastated us all. I knew I needed to do something. So I started going to colleges to tell his story in hope of healing through helping other. I became involved in Survivors of Suicide Loss, and also created a FB page for grieving mothers called “Beautifully Broken” But my son was also extremely broken and unfortunately it led him into being heavily addicted to Xanax. I found him having a seizure on the floor in his room, I thought I was going to lose him too. He knew after that it was time to change everything. He went into rehab and a sober living program. Since then he has dedicated his life to raising awareness on mental health, addiction and recovery. His sole mission is to help others, promote hope & positivity through his songs in a world that desperately needs more love. This industry needs this type of music. My son has helped me become stronger as I hear his lyrics, I see & feel his passion to save this generation. People are captivated by him and his music. I know my son lives on now because of his brother breaking the silence on subjects that have hit home to us all on some level. I know God is in control and this needs to get out.
SOURCE: Pamela Wychoski Media, Email:, Phone: 760-213-6106