Hey family, we’re back!

Woooo it’s been a long time and a hell of a journey. The moral of the story is, “good help is hard to find!”

We are so excited to be back in action and catch you up to speed on those businesses of color that have launched, startups, and those who’ve beaten adversity during covid and are doing better than ever.

What can you expect? As our business directory grows, we will also be tailoring a chat portion of the site for members to communicate amongst each other and business owners. A coupon code section separate from listings for easy access; updated interviews; information, entertainment, the news that you can use, and much more!

We are also currently searching for freelance writers and photographers of color who want to cross-promote their work.

Contact Tawny at Tawny@urbnsocial.com with interest.

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay connected.

Now let’s get back to “making it our business to share yours!”




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