Shanquella Robinson via Facebook

First and foremost, we want to convey our deepest condolences to the family of Shanquella Robinson! Today was the funeral service of the beautiful 25-year-old Charlotte, North Carolina native found beaten, battered, and in our opinion, “murdered” in a Cabo, Mexico villa on October 29th, 2022. Less than 24 hours upon her arrival.

Reports show the autopsy revealed that Shanquella suffered from “severe spinal cord injury and atlas luxation,” aka a broken neck and cracked spine! The Mexican authorities have noted no clear evidence of homicide or signs of foul play but are still looking into it. We find that hard to believe after video(s) surfaced of the ungodly beating of Shanquella.

We wanted to wait a little before speculating while the truth surfaced, but it seems that no one wants to come forward with the facts “yet.” We know that Shanquella’s friends told her mother that she had alcohol poisoning, which was not true, and yet again, a gentleman allegedly identified as Malik Dyer was so focused on shooting a video of his friend being brutally beaten instead of intervening. Instead, he told Shanquella while she was being pummeled, “will you at least fight back”? Her alleged “best friend” Khalil Cooke was in the room while she was getting beat up and did nothing! This is so infuriating.

The “maid” found Shanquella on the living room floor while her “friends” were already on a plane heading home. We are

The FBI Charlotte, North Carolina field office has opened an investigation. But what is clear, Shanquella is no longer here. She was beaten and may have died as a result of it. What we want to know is why? If one or all were involved? When will charges be handed out, and was this premeditated?

The Robinson family is holding a GofundMe and will need it to apply pressure to get the answers they desperately need and her killer(s) brought to justice.

Our prayers go out to the family and true friends of Shanquella Robinson. Rest in peace, princess!#JusticeforShanquellaRobinson.

Updated 11.20.22