Well, I’m finally getting back in the groove of things after my fabulous vacation. Where to next, time will only tell. But I’m thinking Thailand would be pretty nice.

But let’s talk about some of the pieces that I wore…..

The entire time that I was in Dubai, the weather was damn near perfect, in the high 70’s and actually cool at night. So I would say if you were to go, go in the Winter. December – March averages a high of around 77 degrees.

When researching what to wear, there were lots of conflicting posts and information on what was deemed appropriate, yet comfortable for such a warm country. Not to say, you want to be respectful of the culture, which in the UAE is for women to dress modestly. Something that I’ve never been.

So I took it upon myself to pack what I felt most comfortable in, especially since we would be doing a bunch of site seeing. Much to my surprise, how I dressed was not an issue at all!

These are just a few things that I rocked while doing it up in Dubai:


Studio Off The Shoulder Chanbray Dress – Elloquii – $110.90


Lace White Party Dress – Fashion to Figure – No longer available (But see below)


White Lace Dress – Forever 21 – $27.90

Remember that wherever you go…..whatever you do…..do it with style and class!



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