Let’s take a break from fashion and style and talk about relationships. After having a funny conversation with a friend of mine, I was compelled to write this, “when to throw in the towel”!

Just because you’re in a relationship with someone, doesn’t mean you have to make excuses or compromise yourself.  I’m not a relationship expert, but a few things come to mind when being in a relationship:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Financial

Does the man or woman in your life possess the above qualities that meet “your needs”? If not, throw in the towel!

So many of us say that one or two of the above doesn’t matter, or they can overlook. But let’s not fool ourselves, how many of you have been in a relationship and granted not everyone is made of money. But if you are barely supporting yourself, how can you date someone who you have to support financially as well? I’m not talking about those who make a three figure salary and are comfortable supporting their spouse financially!  We do have stay at home moms and dads. I’m talking about single moms and dads who are dating someone who feels like they don’t have to work when they are highly capable of. Two checks are better than one counts….”throw in the towel”. Because things will only get worst and what’s worst than someone buying you a gift with your own credit card? “Just saying”!

Mentally relationships can be draining, especially if the two of you are not on the same page, communication is key! Treat your spouse how you want to be treated  and tell them how something makes you feel so they can either adjust their attitude or get with the program. Empathy is also a factor. Sometimes we lack compassion and may not know that something so small, can make your significant other feel bad. Saying I love you, especially if you mean it, doesn’t hurt!

Now when it comes to religion, it can get way too in-depth for my liking. But spirituality is another thing! We know that one’s faith can lead to war in the world as well as in your relationship. There are two sides to every story, but respecting one’s faith is most important. I am a spiritual person and believe that God guides my steps. So I could never date someone who lacks even the mindset that there is a higher power or miracles.

lastly we get into the physical aspects of a relationship. I’m not saying you have to swing from the chandelier, “unless you’re into that kinda thing”.  But there is nothing better than trusting and loving on someone who you care about. When you can express how much you love someone with a touch and satisfying their physical needs there is nothing better.

What it boils down to is, don’t deal with someone who can’t stimulate you mentally, physically, spiritually or be on a level of financial security that you are uncomfortable with. You will be on the losing end. So just throw in the towel!


  1. I’ve always said this when it comes to religion you need someone who believes as much you do in God. It’s important, spiritual journey is not something small. You need your circle to be right.. I am loving this post !!

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