It took me “A Minute” to post about this because I wanted to see if their relationship would last longer than a that. Whelp, Faith Evans and Stevie J are still together. The one thing I can say for sure is the song is hot! I knew that Stevie J could sing, but the truth is they sound really good together. The song is giving me that late 90’s early 2000 sound that we all love.

Now the video on the other hand? What a way to really turn the knife in your family’s back by getting married in Vegas then doing a highly sexual video letting their family’s know that they have had a little “something-something” going on for years and decided to make it “officially” official. But they are grown…so it goes.

Now let’s talk about the reality of it! Stevie J has played the “we married” card in the past with reality star and mother of his last known child Joseline Hernandez. So is this for real or for publicity?

Joseline Hernandez

Now the word on the street is that Faith and Stevie have signed a multi-million dollar reality show deal. If that’s the case, I would watch it, just to see what in the heck is going on. But Faith needs to watch herself because the blogs are talking about Stevie allegedly having another baby on the way making it a lucky number seven.

Mona Scott, Faith Evans, Stevie J

Again, they are both grown and clearly know what they are doing. I just wish that people would stop playing with marriage.

I hope this doesn’t crash and burn.

photo credits via Google Images, popularstar.com 



  1. Whew chile! I was wondering the same thing….like you ain’t learned from Joseline and MiMi. We all remember the moment he tried to propose to both of them…..or did he try to to convince them he needed both of them as a girlfriend? Either way it was trifflin’. I definitely agree! People need to stop playing with marriage because this is what’s wrong with the world now. Great post!

    • I agree. But there is more too it! Now granted I think Faith is in love with the idea of being in love with only knowing Biggie for weeks before marrying him. But they both have an agenda…money. So she better watch her front, back. and side. Because all them kids baby and child support ain’t going away.


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