On Sunday, October 24th, 2021, the Harris County police received a disturbing call to go out to 3535 Green Crest Drive in Houston, Texas. There Harris County Sheriffs discovered three siblings (ages 15, 10, and 7 years old) living in deplorable conditions, severely malnourished, and physically injured (with one of the kids having a broken jaw). But even more horrific is what they found in a closet—the dry skeletal remains of their 8-year-old sibling, Kendrick Lee.

The 15-year-old boy mustered up the courage to call the police and tell the dispatcher that his brother had been dead in the apartment for almost a year and that his parents haven’t lived with them for several months.

Picture this, left alone in an apartment with no food, no power, no furniture, in a dirty bug-infested apartment with the stench of death wafting in the air, while mom is “living high on the hog” in another apartment a mere twenty minutes away.

But even the arrest was without contention. Williams and Coulter were taken into custody for questioning but released due to insufficient evidence.

On Tuesday, October 26th, Gloria Williams, age 35, and her boyfriend Brian Coulter, age 31, were arrested in front of a public library researching news articles on the case.

Coulter has been charged with murder (judge issuing a $1 million bond), while Williams is charged with felony injury to a child by omission and tampering with evidence (judge issuing a $900k bond).

The medical examiner found that little Kendrick Lee’s cause of death was blunt force trauma. To add insult to injury, Kendrick Lee was special needs, diagnosed with autism. Authorities say that around Thanksgiving of 2020, the children saw Coulter use his fist and feet to beat Kenrick, resulting in his subsequent death.

Kendrick Lee – Facebook

Revealed by Melody Robinson, a paternal grandmother, is that Williams has a total of six (6) children. Four (4) boys and two (2) girls ranging from 7-17 years of age. The girls aged 13 and 17 are in Robinson’s custody. Since she was two weeks old, the 13-year-old has been in her custody. 17-year-old Jasmin Whitaker allegedly moved in with Robinson after being kicked out of the home she shared with Williams, Coulter, and her other siblings after trying to protect her brothers from being beaten by Coulter.

What is perplexing is that Jasmin Whitaker is allegedly “missing.” Some sources note since February 2021, while others report September 2021. We need answers! Has the rabbit hole gone deep enough for you?

Jasmin Whitaker, Age Now: 16, Missing: 02/01/2021. Missing From HOUSTON, TX. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Harris County Sheriff’s Office (Texas) 1-713-221-6000.

Courtney Lee is the biological father of the three boys (including the deceased Kendrick Lee), who found out about the death of his son on the news. The Daily Mail reported Lee and Williams broke up in 2012, with Lee moving to Louisiana. He later moved back to Houston in 2016, making attempts to see his boys. But Williams started seeing a new man (Darryl Towner, now deceased), who she married and fathered her youngest child; things got complicated. On August 9th, 2019, Towner passed away, leaving Williams wanting to give it another go-around with Lee. Not realizing Lee was engaged, she found out and kept the children from him. He hasn’t seen his boys since 2017. The father of the fourth boy reported by the Daily Mail is 36-year-old Jonathan Kirklin. Kirklin has been in and out of jail and has not seen his son in five years.

“I haven’t seen my son for five years,” said a teary-eyed Kirklin, “and I mostly have myself to blame.”

Now let’s delve into the apartment complex a little, shall we? Some residents complained to management about a foul smell, while others did not. One day, the 15-year-old boy was spotted sleeping on a slide at the playground by one of the residents. When asked if he was ok, he said he was hungry, was given food, then sent on his way. Many residents helped the young boy with food and a phone charger since there was no power in the apartment, yet no one called social services or the police.

Williams’ family offered to help and take the children in the past, but she always declined.

Even more shocking is when KHOU11 Reporter Grace White interviewed Williams in jail, asked if she knew Kendrick Lee as dead, and her response was “no,” “I checked on them every two weeks!”

So many people and organizations have failed these children; it’s just unfathomable! The inaptness to protect children who are unable to defend themselves. The saying, “If you see something, say something” could have prevented these boys from living in hell for almost a year.

We are paying close attention to this case and will keep you updated on what unfolds—on another note, also looking into the whereabouts of 17-year-old Jasmin Whitaker.

We want to send prayers to the family, Kendrick Lee, and the children who have a long road to recovery.


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