Casualty of War: Africans In Ukraine


When the entire world watches a country under attack, this adds insult to injury! Prayers have gone out to Ukraine as Russia wages war, but the sentiment to protect their own has shown a display of inhumanity.

Thousands of Africans living in Ukraine have been turned away from crossing the border into the neighboring country of Polland, while white Ukrainians are passed through.

Africans, Morrocans, Indians have been blocked from getting on trains to seek safety, ultimately leaving them stranded.

TMZ reported the alleged discrimination when a flood of videos surfaced showing the mistreatment.

This is so disgusting to see, but are we shocked? When put in situations of fight or flight, people will do whatever they can to survive, even if that means sacrificing the lives of others that they don’t see as equals.

We want to send our prayers to EVERYONE in Ukraine and that this whole ordeal ends soon!


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