The Millennial’s Guide to Changing the World

The Millennial’s Guide to Changing the World is a great “light-hearted” read for the Summer!

Without giving up all the goods, it defines what it means to be young, educated and ambitious.

  You don’t have to be a “Millennial” to relate to this book. It will have you going through the emotions of Sher finding her purpose in life something that we all struggle with, young and old.

Go pick up your copy now on, Barnes & Noble or other independent retailers across the country.

Alison has been generous enough to give up to 10 pdf copies to our lovely follows.

What you have to do is subscribe to Anneseme (the first 10 will receive a copy via email) and post a review about on ♥️

 Photo credits:  Alison Sher- Millennial, Inc.



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