June 24th, 2022, marked the day that the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. A landmark decision in 1973 from the then U.S. Supreme Court Justices (all men) voted 7-2 on the right for women to choose whether to have an abortion.

What does that mean? It “gave” women who previously went through desperate measures to hide the shame, violation, and inability to go through life-altering circumstances a choice. We all have a choice; know what is morally right from wrong, and as individuals to make decisions that are in our best interest. But that right has been taken away.

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have stepped back into the dark ages where women who have been raped, victims of incest, or birth abnormalities, to be forced to endure the horror of birthing what some would even consider a mistake. Are we saying children are a mistake? NO! We are saying who has the right to determine your health and well-being?

Children are a blessing! Life is precious and a miracle. Although the reality is not all women or girls are mentally, physically, financially capable of caring for a child, let alone giving birth. Yes, adoption is an option. But do all of those children go to loving homes? Some endure physical and sexual abuse repeating the cycle. Have they considered the mental health of forcing a young girl to birth a child, for example, from her father or sexual assaulter? We are blessed by the most high (GOD, Allah, whatever you believe in) with the ability to choose. So what gives man the gall to enforce their personal views onto unwilling men and women. Because this doesn’t just affect women, men are also willing participants in this and will suffer. Couples have decided to terminate a pregnancy together for various reasons. It’s a private matter that violates our constitutional rights for all intents and purposes. We the people have taken things for granted.

Adding insult to injury, CNN reported that contraception and same-sex marriage could now be jeopardized.

In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,”

– Justice Clarance Thomas

Now what? What do we do during these uncertain times? That’s still the lingering question. For now, please have essential conversations about sex with your children and the repercussions. With social media and sexual exploitation, it will not be easy. But what other choice do you have? Welcome to the new United States of America!


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