Hey family, long time no see!

I’ve been gone for a while and there is a good reason for it. Doing something that brings me joy, which is traveling. Well not exactly traveling, although I have a trip coming up. But I’ve been learning more about the travel industry so that I can be your travel expert! Yes, I’ve decided to become a travel agent. It’s been highly requested and now time for those to put their passports where their mouth is.

After being bitten by the travel bug years ago, I’ve traveled to places like Egypt, Dubai, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc. and my bucket list is getting even longer. I actually met a wonderful woman from Jamaica the other day who was telling me that her retirement destination is Korea. Now that was a very interesting conversation. Being black in Korea! Then in the same place, met two other woman who said that they want to travel more and asked me for my information. Sometimes the higher power has a way of giving you a clear sign that your moving in the right direction.

With that it being said, it gives me great pleasure in saying that we will be making some changes to Anneseme. One being our name. I’ve been toying with the idea of changing the site for sometime now. Bigger, better, more interactive and informative. There is a void when it comes to cultural sites. It’s either just about travel, fashion, gossip, or tech. I can name just a few that encumbrance everything in one place!

In the coming weeks, we will be launching URBN SOCIAL.  This is exactly the direction we want to go. Continuing to highlight businesses, taking you on trips with me, while curating travel for those who want to experience different cultures while still highlighting things that us ladies and gents love which is fashion, tech, entertainment, current events, while engaging in conversation about some topics that will enlighten and encourage.

So please pack your patience while we make this transition and do some rebranding. When it’s all said and done, I promise to give you the very best of me.


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