Hello loves!

Its Youtube Tuesday, but I wanted to start this day off with something that I saw a week or so ago.

I’ve had locs for almost ten years. With the help of a wonderful stylist who is always changing up my style, while perfecting her craft.

Honestly, I don’t think she has repeated a style unless I’ve requested. I’ve had colors that range from, black, brown, blond, copper and fire engine red.

Nothing against my relaxed ladies! Going natural isn’t for everybody.

But this right here…… Really……

Yes, this is a weave vending machine! Lets pause for a moment to take it all in *************
Since when did getting your weave from a vending machine become “the thing”!?
Not to say for one bundle it cost $160? The proof is in the picture.
I am so confused….but if someone has paid to have a machine put in the mall, then the fact of the matter is, ladies (and men) are utilizing it.
Like I said, I don’t knock ladies who have relaxers or wear weaves. Just take pride in what you do.
Please go to a professional to have your hair purchased and installed……
I would love to know your thoughts????


  1. Gorgeous skin and hair!!! It’s bizarre to have people buy hair from a vending machine. It feels similar to buying underwear from a street vendor. I also think that these things are best left to professionals. I have done my own braids before but now I’m a demi-natural and regular salon patron. I got a treatment that leaves my hair straight (and waterproof) after ironing. It reverts completely after about six months. Best money ever spent. I don’t need to use a flat iron every day so my hair grows without breaking off from the dryness.

    • I know. It didn’t last long. Gone in a few months, yes best left to professionals. I was confused, wouldn’t you want to touch it first! Good for you, yes if you are talented enough to do your own hair, I say go for it. No one knows your hair better than you!


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